George Karypis
Author of 3 CRAN packages
George Karypis has completed 3 packages. That's enough to show some serious dedication! George Karypis teamed up with 67 other developers, making this project a gigantic collaborative effort. The coding world is a better place for it!
3 Packages
- Khalid B. Kunji
- Xingguo Li
- Cho-Jui Hsieh
- Matyas A. Sustik
- Inderjit S. Dhillon
- Pradeep Ravikumar
- Tuo Zhao
- Han Liu
- Kathryn Roeder
- John Lafferty
- Larry Wasserman
- Melissa O'Neill
- Richard Henderson
- Timothy A. Davis
- Mikael Jagan
- Jason Riedy
- Martin Maechler
- Jens Oehlschlägel
- R Core Team
- Douglas Bates
- Serguei Sokol
- Makoto Matsumoto
- Takuji Nishimura
- Richard Stallman
- Free Software Foundation, Inc
- Alexander Chemeris
- Emmanuel Agullo
- Patrick Amestoy
- Maurice Bremond
- Alfredo Buttari
- Philippe Combes
- Marie Durand
- Aurelia Fevre
- Abdou Guermouche
- Guillaume Joslin
- Jacko Koster
- Jean-Yves L'Excellent
- Stephane Pralet
- Chiara Puglisi
- Francois-Henry Rouet
- Wissam Sid-Lakhdar
- Tzvetomila Slavova
- Bora Ucar
- Clement Weisbecker
- Juergen Schulze
- Douglas C. Schmidt
- Isamu Hasegawa
- Francois Pellegrini
- David Goudin
- Pascal Henon
- Pierre Ramet
- Sebastien Fourestier
- Jun-Ho Her
- Cedric Chevalier
- Iain S. Duff
- John K. Reid
- Samuel Thibault
- ENS Lyon
- INP Toulouse
- University of Bordeaux
- Regents of the University of Minnesota
- Universite de Bordeaux